Will gay bishop become Obama’s spiritual advisor?

The American homosexual bishop who single-handedly caused a major fracturing within the Anglican Communion was quoted by the London Times that President-elect Obama consulted him on three occasions during the presidential campaign. According to a breaking story by One News Now, Obama may permanently consult with the religious homosexual activist.

[Vickie Gene] Robinson notes in their three private conversations, Obama voiced his support for “equal civil rights” for homosexuals and described the election as a “religious experience.” Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, believes Obama’s consultations with Robinson show the true tenor of his upcoming administration.

“It looks like Billy Graham has been replaced by a gay bishop. We’re moving to, perhaps, our first anti-Christian president; it’s beyond post-Christian. Gene Robinson advocates homosexuality as part of the Christian experience,” he explains. “Now Bible-believing Christians cannot accept that. Homosexual practice is sinful, as taught by the scriptures. This man [Obama] pretends to be faithful to Christianity, even as he works very hard to undermine it.”

You’ll hear the truth here. Obama lied about not supporting homosexual marriage. His statements are little more than thinly disguised, professional word mincing crafted to ensure black church voters were not alarmed by his over-the-top support of homosexual rights. Although Obama claims he does not support homosexual marriage, his wife declared to homosexual groups during the election that Obama was with them 100%. Some people haven’t quite caught on to the chameleon they elected as president.

It will probably be too late before all the “historic moment” people realize they have made a historic error.

29 thoughts on “Will gay bishop become Obama’s spiritual advisor?

  1. “This man [Obama] pretends to be faithful to Christianity, even as he works very hard to undermine it.”

    That’s the case with theological liberals. Trying to affirm Christ at the same time as they deny him.

  2. This is tragic Dr. Foster.

    Like I said, we’ve got our work cut out for us now, like never before. The problem is that these guys know how to get things done under the radar and by the time we find out about it it’s already the law. That seems to be the pace Obama is moving on.

    I’ve written him and personally encouraged him not to take this path for it is clearly against God. I don’t expect an answer but I’ll let you know if I get any type of response.

    Thanks and God bless.

  3. I cannot believe this??? Truly as IC says, we are in the last days!

    I mean, Obama hasn’t even taken office yet and look what he is upto???? I hope to heaven that some of the Brethren that voted for this man are already perhaps regretting it!???

    I mean I expected that Obama would play it smart at least and mayby grab an evangelical liberal like Tony Campolo or Ron Sider or of that ilk….but to go out and consult this wicked man like Gene Robinson is unbeleivable……

    This is appalling on all levels……what is Pres elect Obama thinking??????

    Sadly Brother Foster, you do not seem to have any shortage of horror stories vis a vis the Gay movement and the Body of Christ…..

    Someone pinch…surely I am dreaming….

  4. Devon, others…
    I guess what I am trying to say is that woe unto the inhabitants of the earth, for the devil has come down to them.

    The people of God perish for the lack of knowledge, because when God sends it to save them, they get angry, arrogant, indignant and reject it.

    I strive to keep the remnant alerted to His coming, which is soon. What we are witnessing is the end of this age, which Christ foretold.

    As his coming draws nearer, we should cry out the more to this lost world to repent before the fire falls. When the doors close it will be too late. We should encourage each other the more to be prepared to receive the Bridegroom.

    The widespread acceptance of homosexuality (which is akin to witchcraft because it is rooted in rebellion) is a signal marker that we are approaching his return.

    I know its rather shocking my brother, but look up for our redemption draws nigh.

  5. The pace of (bad) change is truly amazing. It just keeps accelerating.

    Does that make me fearful? No, I’m just that much more confident in what God can do. I thank God for sites like this that preach the truth so clearly. May we all do that with whatever days he has left for us.

  6. Why is it that when the first black gets elected president everyone wants to start talking about the Antichrist and really start focusing on homosexuality. People were getting and are being married during Bush’s reign as president, he’s not out yet. Didn’t another state just pass a marriage law for homos to be married yesterday. Bush is still in office. Obama is being blamed for everything already and he’s not even in office yet, homos getting married, the falling economy, etc, etc,etc, Can somebody say black man. Personally I smell racism.

  7. Nan, who is “everyone”?

    Are you saying that there is no difference in President Bush and President elect Obama on issues of homosexual rights?

    Please clarify.

    Also, Im a black man and I am very vocal and will continue to be vocal against Obama. Does that make me racist?

  8. Nan,

    Shouldn’t Obama be responsible for the words he speaks. Openly stating you are against gay marriage and as soon as the election is over and before you are even in office, you state you are for repealing the Defense of Marriage Act which states marriage is between a man and a woman; doesn’t that concern you at all?

  9. Nan, you’re going to get a lot of takers, because your statements make absolutely no common sense. Let’s review.

    Why is it that when the first black gets elected president everyone wants to start talking about the Antichrist and really start focusing on homosexuality.

    Were you born on November 4, 2008? When Ronald Wilson Reagan became President, people were saying he was the Antichrist, because his first middle and last name each had 6 characters, 666. Talk about Antichrist is nothing new. Regarding focus on homosexuality, that would be because Obama desires to “CHANGE” what was already put in place in that regard, as Growing in Grace mentioned.

    Enough of your cheap “first black” babble, in attempt to shield your beloved from scrutiny. You’re only doing that because you know he does not uphold the truth of scripture.

    People were getting and are being married during Bush’s reign as president, he’s not out yet.

    And so we’re supposed to accept it under Obama if it happened with another President in office? People are robbing homes too, perhaps we should turn a deaf ear if you complain that your house gets robbed? Again, you’re tossing out various babble, in an effort to obfuscate from the fact Obama’s position fails the test of scripture and you really don’t care about anything other than somebody with your skin tone holding power. Your lust of racial pride has become your true god.

    Didn’t another state just pass a marriage law for homos to be married yesterday. Bush is still in office. Obama is being blamed for everything already and he’s not even in office yet, homos getting married, the falling economy, etc, etc,etc,

    And Obama was seeking for California to continue allowing homosexuals to be married, Bush was not. Again, you’re trying to do anything to spin away from the fact you approve of a man who does not uphold a godly standard. You are happy your racial lust is satisfied and don’t want any word said about the abomination he promotes.

    Can somebody say black man. Personally I smell racism.

    Yea, I’m a Black man and personally I smell evil in the air! Evil that hates seeing this blog shine a light, to expose the evil for what it is, Ephesians 5:11-12.

    Nan, one day perhaps you will know the truth of the gospel of the Lord Jesus.

  10. This is a little bizarre if you ask me. I am no more concerned about the color of any president’s skin than I am the next man. I judge them by the content of their character and by the words out of their mouths. So far Obama is a political wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    Why is he “consulting” with a homosexual bishop who is a heretic? My guess is he agrees with the bishop’s mega lies about the bible and sexual conduct.

  11. GCMW,

    This is a little bizarre if you ask me. I am no more concerned about the color of any president’s skin than I am the next man. I judge them by the content of their character and by the words out of their mouths. So far Obama is a political wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    Why is he “consulting” with a homosexual bishop who is a heretic? My guess is he agrees with the bishop’s mega lies about the bible and sexual conduct.

    You have to realize, that Obama’s supporters have run the “racism” card against anyone who opposed him. So they figure they’ll keep using that until it wears thin. We’ll it’s worn thin, because we’re “black enough” to see that Black is not the issue. That “racism” Jedi Mind Trick has no effect on us, given we don’t have any White guilt complex, we’re not even White 😆 .

    And you’re right, Obama agrees with the heretic 100%. The doctrine of Gene Robinson on that matter is in agreement with the Black Liberation Theology teachings of that false doctrine’s founder and Jemimah Wright mentor, James Cone.

    Luke 6:39-40

  12. Nan, those of us that have been following Obama during this presidential campaign are not surprised by anything he says and does. He’s only being consistent in his actions.

    Pastor Foster said it best when he referred to Obama as a political wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    Sadly, there will be many sheep eaten alive by this sneaky wolf!

  13. Said to “in the closet” homosexual priests at a secret retreat:

    ‘It’s too dangerous for you to come out as gay to your superiors, but I believe that if you work for the ordination of women in your church, you will go a long way toward opening the door for the acceptance of gay priests,” Robinson said.

    Gee, women arent you excited? Homosexuals will “open the door” for you so you can then hold the door for them.

  14. Well GCMW, you know I’ve been saying that. And history proves it’s how things go. Once 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Timothy 3 turn from being taken as is, to something that is claimed to be “for their time”, you know the trip downhill has begun.

  15. I just hope the women (of God) see through this gay man-sisterhood ruse and reject their door opening schemes. I still dont understand why heterosexual women want to be at a church where all the men want each other. And all they want the women for is to dress them up to look like divas while they tee-hee-hee about it.

    Anyway…moving on…

  16. Djenk, thanks. This makes me wonder if the side of the mouth policy is a part of all his doings. And its so obvious, you dont even have to guess about it. I mean I understand he’s got to walk softly with the skittish white people who voted him into office, but whats the need to blatantly lie about his beliefs?

    What a chameleon.

  17. Nan, to be fair, I have never heard of any previous President in American History that might call upon a gay clergyman for spiritual advice?

    That is the context in which we are dealing…and talk about a dangerously dumb move by Obama….

    Mayby something like this has it positives…mayby..just mayby true Black Christians that voted for this man will take this as a slap in the face and think twice about voting for him again!?

  18. Gee, I don’t agree with a persons beliefs, stances, and character, so obviously:

    If he/she is black – I am a racist;
    If he/she is homosexual – I am homophobic;
    If he/she is pro-abortion – I am an anti-abortion zealot;
    If he/she is an atheist – I am a Christian bigot;

    Need I go on? Seems to me the ones screaming the loudest about my “character” have the most to hide – including Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.

    May God have mercy on us all. Come Lord Jesus, come!

  19. Pastor Foster, following your posts about President-elect Obama and the news, I am becoming more and more concerned. The fact of his consulting with a gay bishop (yet denouncing the spiritual leadership of his pastor) and has the backing of Christ-denying Oprah Winfrey is enough to make any spiritually discerning Christian wary. I am more and more convinced I made a mistake.

    Correct me if I am off, by denouncing your pastor, you denounce spiritual authority set by God, therefore denounce the authority of God, and thus denouncing God Himself? And, consorting with an individual who publically denied Christ as Lord….um, should I go on?

    It appears that the gay activists have a level of correctness in their assertion that with Obama as president, their agenda will be passed. Since he strongly supports them, he will fight for their cause.

  20. Elder Carl, actually Jeremiah Wright is/was just as prohomosexual as the homosexual bishop so Im not sure that it was a trade off. Wright’s belief in “black liberation theology” is just as troubling. I think that Wright/Trinity UCC prohomosexual theology probably made Robinson a more “attractive” candidate for “counsel”.

    We’ll be watching to see if Robinson is given a role in Obama’s reign. That will be the proof.

  21. I had to take a break from this blog but I will respond in defense of Obama. He has said that he is against gay marriage and I don’t see any reason to believe that he will support that. Obama will do well in the White House. I’m saying this based on ALL of the issues that were in the election. When you look at the big picture, you can see why Obama won by a landslide. McCain and the Republicans are liars and deceptive when you look at the big picture.

  22. jysuper, so what a person says alone makes it irrefutable truth?

    You just said McCain and the Republicans are liars. Is that because they didnt do what they said?

    And should we wait to see how long it will take before Obama joins them? As a liar that is.

    And what do you plan to do when the man youve invested so much faith in is found to be a liar just like McCain and the Republicans?

  23. It just seems to me that the Republicans portrays themselves as the only true Christians in the US. They are many bible believing Democrats who stand on the Word just like their counterparts. Just look at how many voted against gay marriage recognition in California. Many of those people who voted for Obama came out with one mighty voice for righteousness.

    In response to the last question, I dont’ think Obama will lie and flip the script on things he promised. We’ll see.

  24. It just seems to me that the Republicans portrays themselves as the only true Christians in the US.

    Seems? Youre accusing all repubs of being liars based on an assumption?

    They [bible believeing Dems] also repeatedly vote for the very people who personify what they claim to be against biblically. How does one reconcile that?

    There are many bible believing Democrats. We never contested that. As a matter of fact, thats wasnt even implied in this post. This post is about Obama consorting with a person who has seeded division and chaos into the church by reason of wanton disobedience.

    Okay so now Obama = righteousness? Thats cultic sounding, you may want to rephrase that.

  25. I am a Black woman who loves Jesus and believes in the inerrancy of scripture.

    Concerning Mr. Obama, my red flag has been waving ever since he first appeared on Oprah Winfrey I believe it was at least 2 years ago. She asked him if he would ever consider running for the Presidency? I personally don’t believe that question was by coincidence, but I digress.

    My concern has been for the “true” followers of Jesus who seem to be in some kind of trance when Obama’s name is even mentioned. I’m not surprised by the “world’s” support of him because they don’t know any better. If the frenzied support of Miss Winfrey along with the adulation of Louis Farrakhan of Mr. Obama didn’t send every disciple of Christ running, screaming and praying in the opposite direction, they will also find some way to dismiss his blatant act being discussed in this forum.

    Mr. Obama is loved, praised and even worshiped by Muslims, Buddhists, homosexuals, etc. and he claims to love Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him. But Jesus said in John 15:18 & 19a: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. if you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own…” Need I go on?

    I am so glad that God is God and His truth does not change. God is not mocked and there will be a painful reckoning, not only in the world, but in the Christian community for those who chose to close their eyes to what should have been, was, and is, obvious about Obama’s beliefs and agenda. Unfortunately it’s going to affect us all but we are already victorious in Christ.

  26. Somehow, I missed this day’s blog when you first wrote it; but I just want to write that shortly after Obama won the election, a word came to my spirit. Of all things, the Lord used the title of an old secular song by the Temptations entitled, “Beauty’s Only Skin Deep” to minister a word to me (God can use ANYTHING). I believe the Lord was saying to me, “Sure, he’s got charisma, great looks, popularity, and a smooth talk; and it was (is) an historic moment for someone non-caucasian to win the election; but don’t look superficially on his outward appearance (handsome) or his words (smooth, believable), but look at what he DOES. Let’s not just look at “the man,” but look at the SPIRIT “behind the man.” It is my prayer that he will ultimately do right by God and also by the American people; time will tell.

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