Examining the “gay christian movement”

Our Purpose
After several months of studying the scriptures, it became clear to us that the movement now known as “gay christianity” is nothing more than a heresy revival. Its pernicious impact has negatively colored the modern church while off setting its God image and evangelistic mandate. Our stated goal for this weblog is no different than that of the early church fathers who addressed false doctrines, heresy and the encroachment of “false brethren”. They aggressively warned by educating the believers of the true motives, nature and person of Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Jude (the half brother of Christ) stands out as one of the most determined of New Testament authors combating false doctrine. Jude even changed the original intent of his epistle in order to challenge believers to “earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints.” That living challenge has held its relevancy, particularly considering the rise of this kindler, gentler heresy movement. Jude, however does not stand alone. The apostles Paul, Peter, and John –major leaders of the Christian church– all spoke definitely about false doctrine,  and at times, even named those who spread it.  We cannot afford –with lives and souls at stake– to accept the spirit of error.  1 John 4:1 instructs us not to believe every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.

Through a polemic approach, our intent is to present a rigorous and studious look at the leaders, doctrines, public statements and religious policies of the gay christian movement and its allies. It is our belief that the gay christian movement is the new face of an old heresy or perhaps, better stated, multiple heretical beliefs.
Our goal is to empower those being intimidated by Soulforce student riders as well as educate and expose the dangers of accepting any form of heretical teaching in violation of the clear scriptural truth. Finally, we encourage Christian academia to formulate teaching modules designed to equip young people in Christian colleges to meet this 21st century challenge with passion and knowledge.

Our examination and reporting of these activities and statements will be guided by our articles of faith, mission principles.

Since the church’s inception, controversies involving sexual issues have challenged the resolve of the church’s spiritual policies. Such sexual dissonance has arguably prompted a wide range of resulting compromises of biblical morality.  With the advent of instant, accessible information, these controversies have increasingly affected and impacted the church’s abilities to conduct a balanced outreach. Yesteryear’s heretical teachings and practices have redesigned themselves under such benign vernacular as  “inclusion” and “social justice ministry”,  yet the meanings and implications prove destructive to all who embrace them.

CARM, the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, lays out with frightening accuracy the self destructive fate of the political homosexual movement and its offspring the gay christian movement:

“Unlike other sins, this sexual sin has a judgment administered by God Himself: “He [God] gives them over to their passions (Rom. 1:26-28). This means that their hearts are allowed to be hardened by their sins. As a result, they can no longer see the error of what they are doing. Without an awareness of their sinfulness, there will be no repentance. Without repentance, there will be no forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there is no salvation.”

By extension, those who partner with homosexuals in the promotion and agreement against God’s creative intent and order, stand in danger of the same fate (Romans 1:32).  Thus, our mission and purpose become critical. We must warn,  educate and equip the contemporary church as the early apostles did.

One thought on “Examining the “gay christian movement”

  1. I am gay and Christian who believes that being gay is wrong and need help and not show where to go for help. I do not want to be gay but i have strong attraction to men.

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