The Demise of America and why it's necessary

For the first time in it’s history, the United States is on the verge of defaulting on its debt, leaving many to worry about whether or not they’ll receive a monthly check in order to pay the bills, feed their families and simply just live.

The failure to get our financial house in order could send economic shockwaves not only across the nation, but across the world. To put it bluntly, we’re in trouble. Since the beginning of this economic turmoil, gold, which began at around $737 an ounce in late 2008, to a record $1,600 in the past day (July 2011). While gold has surged in worth and stability, the U.S. dollar keeps crumbling against the Yen and the Euro, by most forcasters, the U.S. dollar will reach it’s end within 10 years.

It’s hard to imagine that something as dependable and reliable as the dollar was throughout the past 100 years, could come to an end. Yet, that is exactly what is occurring, and by all accounts, the world is not losing any sleep over it neither.

From a 9.2% unemployment rate that has not changed in 6 months, to forclosures across the country, the image that was once virtual and prosperous that was America, is quickly becoming an image of the past. America is dying and it seems that what was once unthinkable is becoming possible and what was once considered a myth is becoming reality, and that is America is just like every other nation on the planet.

But it’s not just economic’s that have caused this nation to swagger like a drunkard, it is also her ability to be drunk with immorality and idolatry as well. Many would be surprised to realize that at one point in this great nation America held to certain morals and values, all based on Christian principles. During it’s first 200 years, marriage was held to a high esteem while crime was quickly punished under a righteous, but not perfect, system of justice. There was a real sense of fear upon those who dared to challenge the moral code of conduct and, those who willingly stepped over the line, found themselves staring at a determined system of justice. Seldom was the cry of “injustice” ever spoken.

But as the nation grew more and it’s people became comfortable, even the Godly, at times, became slumberous and a subtle change began to take place in the heart of America. The concept of individual rights was beginning to change to reflect more of a socialist point of view. Of course this wasn’t as outspoken as one would think, it was subtle at first, seeking to find voices of like manner who would embrace the idea of rejecting individual rights to a more common idea of public order (the idea which says individual rights must give way to the greater good as determined by Government).

Thus, the concept of world Government began to grow.

Today, the concept of individual rights, i.e., religion, property, speech, wealth, have all but been disbanded to accept a more global concept of Government for all and individual rights for none. As we watch another year go by, we are seeing the end of democracy as well as a way of life many have known for hundreds of years. What is taking it’s place though, is nothing short of evil.

The word of God states that “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” 2 Cor. 3:17 It is clear in the word, God loves liberty for his people. Liberty and freedom are fundamental truths found in the word of God. It was Christ going to the cross which brought eternal freedom to mankind for sin. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from his tomb brought freedom from death and the grave. So the idea God wants man to live free, within the perimeters of his word is a good thing. Yet, men, whose hearts are evil and wicked due from sin, has conspired with Satan, the true enemy of mankind, to reject freedom and liberty for all and thus enslave many into bondage.

America is becoming a past tense in the final chapters of human history and what’s more, it’s a necessary thing.

God always has an agenda planned out. From the moment the world, the universe and man himself was formed, God had already planned the final events which would shape and form the world and all its inhabitants. This is God’s prophetic timetable and one thing is always clear, when God sets his prophetic timetable into position, nothing or no one is going to change it.

What we are seeing taking place in our nation is nothing more than God moving his hand from off our nation and allowing events and circumstances to shape the final world events, and this includes removing America from being a world superpower, to a more neutral at best nation with little control over the world or those who would do harm. The truth remains, we had our run, our moment in the sun and it’s time to allow God’s perfect plan come into being.

In the coming years we will begin to see a major shift take place in our nation from world prosperity to one of economic turmoil. We have always been able to come out of our economic plight, after all, it’s been our staple for hundreds of years. But not this time. Again, our demise as a nation is due to several factors, immorality, injustice, unloving, unthankfulness, idolatry, homosexuality, greed and the list goes on and on. How much more can God ignore our sins?

This nation allows the murdering of millions of unborn children daily while we gloat over our sports teams and movie stars or the latest iphone. We now are beginning to teach children lessons on homosexuality under the guise of secularism without the word of God to guide our way. We ignore the poor and support the rich and wealthy at any costs. There is no question, the hand of God has been lifted from this nation and when God lifts his hand from a nation or people, judgment is the final outcome.

What our nation will resemble in the coming years is anybody’s guess, I myself do not know, but I know this, whatever it will revert to, it will not be the same as I have known it. Already there are telling signs of what is coming. Under then President Bill Clinton, NAFTA was imposed, furthering this concept was George Bush Sr., but it was Bush II as well as our current President Obama that instituted, without public knowledge, the impending of a three nation state, removing all borders and merging America, Mexico and Canada into one alliance.

In Jan. 2011, Mexican Pres. Calderon signed an executive order to start issuing bio-metric ID cards to Mexico’s school children to help them qualify for “Trusted Traveler” cards that will eventually allow them to travel unhindered in all three nations. About the same time, the U.S. Border Patrol was working on America’s “Trusted Traveler” card and a “FAST” (Free And Secure Trade) card that will allow approved truck drivers to cross all borders unhindered (without inspections) in Mexico, Canada and the United States.

In Feb. 2011, Pres. Obama and Prime Minister Harper of Canada signed the “Beyond the Border” declaration legalizing “continental integration” (the NAU), a North American Commission, a North American Parliament (government) and a Court on Trade and Investment. The effective date was not revealed, but the formation of the NAU now appears to be a done deal. Pres. Obama agreed to keep the borders open so as not to impede commerce. He also agreed to develop a biometric ID system to track ALL North Americans and to delay a final decision on a new currency.

America as we know it is coming to an end. Israel, the middle east, Europe and China as well as Russia, are moving fast toward a new world system and the only thing which stands in this new era of global power is the United States of America. I believe that our time as a nation is almost complete and our demise is nearing. I take no joy nor gladness in this fact, but the truth must be told. God is trying his best to warn the church that terrible times are coming, what guaranteed our liberty and freedom is no longer a viable option. The preaching of the gospel should be our only objective and our protecting of other believers in the coming change should be our top priority.

What we will see shortly is a complete economic collapse which will result in a new system of economic change which will lead us all, eventually, into a one world system, a one world mark of the beast and eventually a world leader. And the church will find itself facing down it’s most deadliest enemy.

Let us remember the words of our Lord, “We must work the works who sent me while it is yet day, for the night is coming when no man can work.” John 9:4

While we still have the liberty to preach the gospel, we must do so now while we still are able to do it.