FOX news anchor asks “Is homosexuality a sin?”

Via Talk Wisdom, comes this interesting blog post from former FOX news anchor Lauren Green. Ms Green, who is now FOX’s Religion correspondent shares some very candid thoughts on homosexuality and why she has been uneasy talking about it before.

“One of the big reasons is because the subject is so wide, so involved and emotions run high whenever someone’s life is attacked using the weapon of religion, that it’s difficult at best to bring up the subject in little snippets of information or insoundbites.”

The automatic assumption that (1) religion is a weapon and (2) it is used to “attack” homosexuality is unfortunate, but at least she is being candid. She goes on to say:

“However, there are a couple of things that happened in the news recently, showing that the issue of the church and homosexuality, now at a slow simmer, will likely heat up to a constant and furious boil very soon.

The two things are: Monday night’s CNN/YouTube Democratic debate and the hate crimes bill now floating around in Congress. These two elements contain, in a nutshell, the converging conflicts of church and state and church verses state, over the issue of homosexuality. It proves that it will no longer be confined to “inside baseball” debates within the mainline Christian denominations.”

Ms Green opines from a nonthreatning perspective, which is best in her capacity. Although some individuals in the public eye have no problem offending Christians, few would openly offend homosexuals even if they personally disagree with homosexuality.
Its clear that American politicians much more afraid of the gay political movement than they are of Christians, even though the politicians themselves claim Christianity. There are very real examples of the intolerant wrath of the gay community being played out and those on the receiving end of it generally don’t win.

However, if Christians do the same its swatted down as bigotry and intolerance.

Although Ms Green didn’t sidestep the sin component, she nonetheless expressed doubt due to “scientific evidence”. She says, “So the question that plagues me is if that’s true, what happens with all of the scientific evidence and anecdotal testimonies of people who say that they have not chosen to be gay or lesbian, that they were born that way — that God made them that way?”

To answer that, she turned to noted Christian genome researcher Dr. Francis Collins. Dr. Collins didn’t answer her question. Instead, he cast more doubt into the equation and even sermonized a bit against anyone, who in his words would “take the Bible and use it to subjugate, demean or terrorize another person for whatever reason, that that is also “pushing the data beyond what it tells you.” Dr. Collins also failed to balance or extend his admonitions to those who would use the Bible to justify their sins.

At the root of all dysfunction is sin. Before there was science and dna, there was sin.

7 thoughts on “FOX news anchor asks “Is homosexuality a sin?”

  1. Lauren concludes her blogpost with:

    “Now that leads me to one of the greatest philosophical questions around … what is truth and whose truth should we live by? Well, that’s another subject for another blog.” (bold mine)

    I wonder if she will follow through and give us the answer to ‘the greatest philosophical question.’

    I would say that on one hand, she is on the right track by acknowledging that the Bible, God’s Word does indeed call homosexual behavior sin. However, I’m a bit concerned because she didn’t write “Whose”. Shouldn’t that “w” in “whose” be capitalized? Also, it isn’t really a matter of “what is truth;” it’s more like Who is the Truth?

  2. I’d bet she would lose her job if she said what she really wanted to say. But thats what things are coming to. People are going to have to choose. God help the ones who choose not to be on the Lord’s side.

  3. HookJab,

    Your right, The Bible does say it’s an abomination, those who engage in it are of a reprobate mind, and two cities were destroyed because of it. But Oh well it’s not really sin though- Right!


  4. Kyle, my post was edited; I pointed to a link which backed up my point. Let’s try again maybe so you can see where I’m coming from:

    GCMW: hookjab youre welcome to post a brief excerpt from the article to make your point, but the link to it is not allowed.

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