Ex-ex-gay unfolds bizarre tale of ‘biblical transsexual’


First, there was Bishop Yvette Flunder’s illegitimate allegorizing of Numbers 10:28. Was it an isolated incidence of allegorical replacement theology? No, we believe this is  commonplace in gay theology.

Now, in a more shocking example of an extreme isegetical circus occuring within the gay christian movement, the leader of the ex-ex-gay group BeyondExgay told a London audience that the man fleetingly mentioned in Luke 22:10 was actually a transsexual.

According a British blogger who attended the May performance of Peterson Toscano (pictured on the right at aTyra Banks show appearance) told the gathering of mostly homosexual christians that because the nameless man carried a pitcher of water,  he was a transsexual.

Tuscano, a homosexual Quaker who has no formal religious or biblical training, performs one man skit shows about his alleged experiences while attempting to be “straight.”  Apparently, with little training on how to properly interpret scripture, Toscano has added an incredibly irresponsible dimension of biblical interpretation to his traveling show. 

As the British blogger relates “The pivotal detail in Peterson’s account of this Gospel story is the man carrying the jar of water.  Apparently men didnt carry pitchers of water in Biblical times. Not ever. Unless they were Biblical transsexuals.”

But what’s wrong with Toscano’s creative reimagining? First, the account is an extreme fabrication for several reasons. (1) Transsexuals no more existed in Biblical times, than did subway trains.  Here’s why: The only way a man (or vice-versa) can appear to be the opposite sex is through surgery. The Albany Clinic, which specializes in such surgeries, says “The first complete male-to-female operations were performed in Germany in the early 1930s on patients referred by pioneering [homosexual] sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld.”  (2)  Therefore, if no such surgical operation existed before 1930,  it is impossible the man in Luke 22:10 could have been a “transsexual.” (3) A transsexual man would appear physically to be a woman. If the man was indeed a transsexual as Toscano states, why does Jesus tell the disciples to look for a “man” (verse 10)? Was Jesus then mistaken about the man’s gender, therefore giving the disciples erroneous information? Of course he didn’t!  The man’s gender identity (as Jesus correctly stated) was confirmed in verse 13: “and they went and found as he said unto them.”

Although some theological exposition on Luke says that under normal circumstances a man would not have been carrying a pitcher of water, it concludes that conditions at home could have caused him to have to do work he might not have otherwise done.

But Tuscano ignores this readily available information as well as a clear contextual application of the passage.  The interpretation was so far fetched, even the mostly liberal audience balked at it. The British blogger noted that “even his most loyal fans weren’t really buying into the “buildup” to the trannies in the bible gag.”

“In order to explain why there was an empty guest room in Jerusalem during Passover (which we were told was Christmas, the 4th of July and some Jewish festival all rolled into one) Peterson told us to imagine the guy with the jug of water coming-out as a transsexual earlier in the day and all her folks leaving town (and their house with the furnished upper room) in disgust.

PT’s sketch which belittled Christ to raise gay people up was (at least to me) far more disturbing than anyone straight out insulting the Lord.”  (Our bold)

We are disturbed to say the very least that a professing Christian would intentionally demean Christ in an effort to make people feel good about themselves.

GCM Watch is currently working on a profile of Toscano where we will examine his $30,000 exgay habit claim. We hope to publish it soon.

27 thoughts on “Ex-ex-gay unfolds bizarre tale of ‘biblical transsexual’

  1. *Sigh*

    Their heresy just knows absolutely no bounds!

    Having just been called, “a professional stone thrower” by lesbian Christian Deb at my blog, I can certainly relate to the phrase, “esogetical circus” being applied to the gay Christian movement.

    Deb hurls a few more insults my way, then asks WWJD?

    She has continually refused to answer one question that I have presented to her several times (see below).

    Part of my response to Deb was as follows:

    What are you going to reply to Jesus when he asks you, “Deb, why did you lead those who needed to repent of their homosexual acts away from their need to confess and repent of their sin?”

    What are you going to say?

    There is a huge difference between “trying to learn about God and love God” verses confessing, repenting (which means willingly turning away from previous sins) and submitting to Christ as both Lord and Savior of one’s life.


    Share the truth!

    Certainly NOT compromise the truth of God’s Word with the “world’s” view of secular humanism. Which brings me back to my original question. For the third (or is it the fourth?)time.

    Doesn’t it bother you that your beliefs concerning homosexuality as “not being a sin” is exactly the same as the secular world’s view?

    Jesus told us that his kingdom is “not of this world.” Yet, you continue to want one foot in the “gay world of sin” and one foot in Jesus’ kingdom.

    You may claim Jesus as your Savior, Deb, but when will you go all the way and embrace him as Lord over your entire life?

    The truth is, gay theology advocates will belittle anyone and anything; including Christ and God’s Word in order to (as stated in blogpost) “raise gay people up.”

    That is an obvious form of idolatry! It’s the “golden calf” syndrome.

    Aren’t we supposed to be raising up the name of the Lord and praising Jesus Christ?

    In addition, your astonishing blogpost here shows that they would even go so far as to demean the Gospel of Christ and his followers to make the gay idols “feel good about themselves.”

    Certainly shows us where their priorities lie…doesn’t it!

  2. My ex-husband is a transsexual. Yep. Had all the operations. He claimed to be born again at one point in our marriage.
    He really didn’t want to live a Christian life. The solid foundation (or so I thought) that our children were born into was totally shaken. He claimed that this would “fulfill him” and the kids went haywire. Right now, I have 2 oxycontin addicts where I used to have loving daughters, and another daughter is foundering. This has been 4 years now.
    Can I bring these issues up in church? Nope. Is there a forum anywhere which supports the “survivors” of such a decision? Nope, not unless you are willing to admit that this is a GOOD thing, and try to understand the poor transsexual.

    I understand this. This man never held a steady job. I had to work. He never took much care of the kids, that was also my job. He took my earnings and spent them on booze and girlfriends. When I finally left him, he told me he hated himself. He wanted to re-create himself. As a woman. He found a doctor here in NJ that thought he made an adorable woman. Dr. Nubel, who hasn’t met a man yet that she couldn’t turn into a fine woman.
    Now my ex regrets the surgery, but guess what? Too late. A marriage and four children down the toilet for him. I still have hope for my children and I. God can work wonders.

  3. Oh Cheryl. Your true life story here must have been such a terribly, heartbreaking experience. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. May the healing hands of Jesus come into all their lives and turn “what was meant for evil” into good. God can work wonders. I was so glad that you wrote that!

    I don’t have the expertise to advise you further, but I do have two book recommendations that I think can help anyone in any situation.

    1. Greg Laurie’s The Great Compromise. This book can help anyone recognize and understand how compromise works; yet also gives us wonderful hope, help, and healing to change our spiritual lives!

    2. Captured by Grace: No One Is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God by Dr. David Jeremiah. It is one of the best biblically-based Christian books I have ever read! And I have read over 100!

    Best wishes to you and may God bless you and your family!


  4. Dr. Nubel’s nursing license was suspended in 2005. My heart goes out to Cheryl, her ex-husband, and her family. God be with you!

  5. Cheryl, I feel for you and especially your children. May God’s love overtake you and undergird you.

    I still hold to the belief that no one is beyond hope as long as they are breathing. God is a miracle worker who is an expert and changing human life no matter how damaged it has become. Of course there is a freewill cooperation required.

    There is a testimony of change from a former transgender here. Perhaps it will inspire you inspite of what you are experiencing.

  6. There are many, many transsexuals living very happy and fulfilling lives, and I am one of them. I am so sorry to read stories of heartache like the one above, but I know many stories of courage and faith. My 2 children are my best friends and we are a very happy family. They are both grown and doing well, as am I. Your readers should not assume that all transgender people leave behind unhappy families, many,many of us go overboard to be sure that our families remain intact, happy and a cohesive unit.

  7. Virginia, you are missing the big and bigger picture. And it is indeed big…and eternal.

    Leaving a happy family intact isnt important compared to your eternal destiny. Is God happy with your decision to change what he created you to be? Did God have the FINAL say in your choice to live in deceit, pretending to be a woman when you are a man?

    Your children are not the final arbitrators of right and wrong. Don’t obfuscate the issue by saying they are happy as if that’s the litmus for transgender credibility.

    You havent given one ounce of evidence that God is pleased with your choices. If he is the final judge of all, then why are you allowing your children and family to take His place?

    One day you will die and have to stand before God to answer for what YOU have chosen to do with your body and your life. Now is the time to conform to his ways and live your life according to His pleasure and not your own.

  8. God walked through my transition with me and is perfectly happy with my decisions, since they are hers, and she is both male and female.

  9. That would be called putting word’s in someone’s mouth, in this case God’s. Are you bearing false witness against God? Why do you need to blatantly misrepresent God and his intentions for humans sexuality and gender?

    Your word is not good enough here. It cant be trusted.
    Unless you can show in God’s Word where he “walked you through” something he said was detestable, then your story in unreliable. Since we already know that God is not a liar, then you have to prove that you are telling the truth. His credibility is not in question, yours is.

    Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie,Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

    Cite your scriptural proof that:
    (1) God is both male and female
    (2) God approves of gender mutilation
    (3) God has told one single person to change their gender.
    (4) God is happy when people disobey his commands.

    Here’s your chance to prove you are not a liar and that youre not lying on God.

  10. I wish you would not have such an angry tone in your message, and I do not appreciate that.

    Here are your answers:

    Cite your scriptural proof that:
    (1) God is both male and female-
    Gen. 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them..

    The patriarchal assumption of the writers is quite evident, conforming to the time in which it was written. Men were superior to women, and God “could not be” a woman, because that would have conformed to some of the pagan Gods. So the transgender nature of God was removed and the male pronouns were used. But it is evident in verse 27 that God created Adam and Eve in his/her image, which means that God has elements of male and female.
    The New Test. Confirms this:
    Gal. 3:28 There is neither…..male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

    (2) God approves of gender mutilation-
    Philip appeared to the Ethiopian eunuch especially to be sure he had heard the good news (Acts 8). Jesus spoke about eunuchs in a very matter of fact way in Matt. 19:12. “For some are eunuchs because they were born that way, others were made that way by men, and others have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven.”
    In Isaiah there were prohibitions for men entering the Holy place with mutilated genitals, which God made sure was exposed as wrong in Acts 8, so there were eunuchs who had genital surgery, even back then. When Jesus said “eunuchs for the Kingdom of heaven sake”, that does not necessarily mean priests who vow celibacy. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within, so any person who feels it is one’s destiny and purpose to change one’s gender, is doing it for the Kingdom of Heaven. Such is my case.

    (3) God has told one single person to change their gender-
    The reverse is also true, he did not say not to. And in reading above, I believe the fact that God approved and blessed and loved me through my transition, is entirely consistent with the Bible.
    (4) God is happy when people disobey his commands-
    God is disappointed when anyone misuses scripture, especially to demonize groups of people whom God loves, just as there are.

    Thank you for your questions.

  11. Let’s just be real honest. I could care less about whether or not you appreciate the “tone” of my message. Its called confrontation. Youre not afraid of that are you? You probably dont get that in other places because they agree with you.

    I dont, especially when you have told lies about God.

    Having said that, lets examine your scriptural proof.
    1. Gal 3:28 is not a reference to God’s gender. Its a reference to men and women serving God. Thus, it proves nothing about God. Additionally there is no “patriarchal assumption” about the gender of God. That’s your assumption, thus a de facto premise to support an unsubstaniated theory. If your theory was true, there would be evidence in scripture such a thing occurred. The scriptures reveal both lies and truth. But your lie doesn’t exist.

    2. Transgenders have their sexual organs cut off by doctors. As we have noted, no such surgery existed before 1930. Thus, the Ethiopian eunuch does not support your second poorly constructed theory. Your theories are self-serving, but aren’t applicable in the broad scope of interpretation. Case in point, biblical eunuchs were only men. How do you justify FTM gential mutilation? Secondly, a “eunuch for the kingdom of heaven” has a very specific meaning. One was that they didnt have sexual relations with anyone. That automatically excludes homosexuals and you. How exactly have you dedicated your life to the kingdom of heaven? If you havent, Matthew 19:12 doesnt apply to you.

    3. If in Deut 22:5 he explictly commands not to dress as the opposite sex (to sexually entice others), then simple reason would lead us to know he would not sanction altering one’s gender for the same purpose.

    4. I see you dont have an answer. Smart remarks don’t count, only what the Bible says.

  12. I thought you would ignore sound reasonings in favor of misleading assumptions that have no basis in fact. You ignore my points and deceptively pick some of my points to use in your convoluted logic.

    I am on Kingdom business, just as much or more as you. My mission is to love those whom God brings my way, and to speak the truth about the false and heretical religion of conservative Christianity.

    GCMW: It would be much better to admit that your lies didnt withstand scrutiny here.

  13. How do I protect my children from your type of thinking, Virginia? Why do you have the right to be what I consider “not normal” and go to school that way and disrupt my teaching of my children. Why do real christians have NO STAND in the world today?

  14. The word of God says that God would mingle a pervers spirit among those who forbear to fight and those who are rebellious. It says they shall become “as women” and the MtF transgenders and gays seem to fit the bill. They should not quit fighting the good fight of faith in seeking their healing and deliverance.
    As for Peterson, he’s no different than most who twist scripture to attempt to justify his views. It’s sad to see these so-called gay and trans preachers leading people to hell. I personally feel sorry for those babes in Christ that may be led astray and be told that being gay or trans is blessed of God rather than being told to repent, trust the Lord and await deliverance in his time, not ours.


  15. Virginia S said “I am on Kingdom business, just as much or more as you. My mission is to love those whom God brings my way, and to speak the truth about the false and heretical religion of conservative Christianity.”

    Whose Kingdom though, and which God ?
    Clearly, it is not the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  16. Some points that the GLBT community seems unwilling to discuss or acknowledge are in the areas of curses and perverse spirits.
    The word says the curse causeless shall not come. When people play with the word of God and refuse to repent the Lord can send a spirit of perversion just as he sent an evil spirit to plague Saul.
    Proverbs lists some of the ways that people can anger God and receive his wrath in the form of an evil spirit and being blinded to it.
    Also, they don’t want to acknowledge healing.
    If one person was healed then all could be healed. But that would mean taking a stand to walk in faith and deny one’s self for the Lord. They don’t want to risk acknowledging any that mention being healed.
    The word says that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and the majority of posts I see on gay and trans sites claiming to be christian are about being gay or trans and not many about Christ.
    They rage about Fred Phelps picketing and then Peterson pickets a church and it’s ok. That’s a double standard which is not in alignment with christian principles. Fred Phelps may show the attributes of an evil wolf in sheep’s clothing but that doesn’t give Peterson license to picket a church.
    Finally, if we look at the scriptures and liken the days of Noah and Lot to salvation and who will be quickened when the 7th trump sounds we can see both men were straight. It’s not a case of what was the sin but rather what did it take to be saved!
    Noah, his sons and Lot are 3 witnesses using 2 men and in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses every matter is established.
    The devil has tried to kill male children of God from Genesis on and he’s doing a good job of it with these spirits of perversion telling transgenders that being MtF is alright and blessed in the eyes of God.


  17. In answer to the remark about God being both male and female they are overlooking that the Genesis account of creation is a type and shadow of a spiritual recreation in Christ.
    Jesus said God is a Spirit.
    Pilate said “Behold the man.” Not behold the transgender.
    The word does not refer to the church as being the transgender of God or the male and female of God. It says that he is returning for his bride. And that it was given “her” to be attired in white raiment.
    Those who are listed in the ministry as couples are man and wife. Not lesbian, gay or trans.
    The word declares that when the Lord went to Peter’s house Peter’s wife’s mother was sick. Not his partner or boyfriend’s mother.
    There is a difference in searching the scriptures diligently to please Christ Jesus and searching diligently to justify sin and abomination.
    The latter will only send people to hell.


  18. I thought I heard it all when the LGBT hijacked the civil rights movement, I thought I seen it all when the Prop 8ters were rioting at the churches, I thought I went deaf when Christians leaders were silent in fear to speak the truth on abominable acts, I thought I heard too much when Gays claimed to be Christians justified by Christ & even have their own gay Pastors and Bishops…Transthings in the bible…I’ve truly heard enough. Please no more.

  19. For what it’s worth, I think the “Jesus as TS” theory is at best unevidenced supposition. Which is a polite way of saying Bovine Excrement.

    Some relevant articles though about Intersex and Transsexuality.

    Matthew 19:12’s first clause states “there are some eunuchs born from their mothers womb” – thereby showing that the word “eunuch” did not just apply to those who had been castrated voluntarily or involuntarily, but also to Intersexed people who appeared more male than female. If they appeared more female than male, they were classified as “women who were barren”.

    Secondly, modern MRI imaging and autopsies have proven what has only been surmised since the 60’s, that Transsexual people literally do have male brains and female bodies, or the reverse. Transsexuality is a form of Intersex – having a body neither 100% male nor 100% female.

    Consequently, Isaiah 56:3-5 applies. TS and other IS people do not, because they physically cannot, have the usual strictures and laws applicable to men and women to guide them. They are forbidden to enter the Temple, but the laws about men not wearing female attire don’t apply, because they are not men.

    What they have to do is to do what is pleasing to God, and to keep the Sabbath. That’s it. None of the usual regulations apply, they’re outside those laws, with no place and no guidance. Because of this, and because of their sterility, and because of the persecution they face, they are promised a special place set aside specifically for them in Heaven.

    None of this has anything to do with Homosexuality, despite popular misconceptions.

    John 9:1-12 concerns the healing of a man blind since birth, in order to illustrate God’s Grace. A possible parallel is the “natural sex change” that people with 5ARD or 17BHDD (and a few much rare conditions) experience. Born looking female, they masculinise later. The reverse happens in some very rare cases too, but these are one in several million, compared to the tens of thousands of cases of 5ARD or 17BHDD.

    Perhaps these cases are there to illustrate that we should be aware that these conditions are medical rather than moral. And to remind us of 1 Corinthians 13, that even if we obey all the laws, and prey regularly, and tithe, if all we’re doing is following the forms and not acting charitably to others, then we’ve missed the point.

    What *is* controversial is what exactly “Keeping the Sabbath” means. It’s not just having a day of rest, it means obeying as many of the ten commandments as apply. The one against adultery is problematic, but the rest certainly must be obeyed. Theologians disagree on this issue, and although the Catholic Church has a policy on this, it is sub secretum – a secret held closely by senior clergy, and not to be revealed to the general priesthood or laeity.

  20. Zoe Brain

    I will not dispute the fact that a fetus can be affected in the initial stages of life and have it effect the brain of the child. Neither will I dispute the fact that medical science can show the difference between a male and female brain.


    Naaman the leper was healed by God when he washed 7 times.
    Too many so-called christians think that because they pray once and aren’t delivered they are supposed to be transsexual. Some times we have to fast and earnestly pray more than once for a deliverance.

    The woman with the issue of blood had that issue for a long time. Although I may be wrong I think it says for about 38-40 years.
    We have to remember that a healing or deliverance comes in the Lord’s time to see if we are serious or just playing games wanting an easy deliverance with no intention of serving God.
    Also, as with Paul’s infirmity which received no healing we may just have to be willing to hate our life in this world as the Lord commanded. For the gays that means living celibate while waiting. For the transsexuals that would mean being willing to live in a body that they feel like they hate to be pleasing in God’s sight.

    The servant of the High Priest had his ear removed by zealous Peter in the Garden of Gethsemani. The Lord touched it and healed it.
    There is no issue too great or too small for the Lord to heal. Transsexualism is no different.

    People are healed of cancer at times and the evil spirits that the devil afflicts them with. This was no unusual sight in the time Holy Ghost anointed services in days gone by. Many healings and deliverances were documented and the tales passed down.
    The rise of the new mainstream church that no longer relies on the leading of the Holy Ghost seldom see these things and the result over the years is that people today many times don’t believe that they happened. That’s because God will not honour rebellion.
    Fakes have arisen that make the messengers of darkness rich playing games with the Spirit and healings that they will answer for at the judgment seat of Christ. That doesn’t make true healings and deliverances any less real even though many blasphemy the Holy Ghost while getting rich and leading people astray.
    I do believe that transsexualism stems from both medical and spiritual problems but the word of God is clear that the Lord can heal and/or deliver them.


  21. Dear Frank,

    Have you ever gone to a doctor for anything? How many cases are there of people who had a disease and denied themselves (or a child!) treatment, under the guise of “Jesus will heal,” only to be met with disastrous consequences? I’m sure I could cite many, given a quick Google search.

    I find it preposterous how many on this site feel they have enough knowledge to determine how someone else should treat and deal with something that afflicts them. You can “believe” anything you want about what the causes of being transsexual are. They are just that — beliefs. Beliefs are not concrete. Beliefs really aren’t worth much outside of the mind and heart of the person who believes them.

    The only area that has been difficult is dealing with family and others who are conservative Christians and don’t understand, nor do they want to. I guess to them it’s more important to distance yourself from what you consider (ignorantly IMO) to be someone living in sin than it is to love that person.

    While in some ways I understand the conservative Christian mindset on this, it is difficult to understand at this point because I have a much better understanding. I am actually a much more caring, loving, understanding person now than I ever was before. And I don’t understand how some Christians can fight something so bitterly when they themselves have things in their own lives they deal with. How many grossly overweight preachers preach against the evils of LGBT? How many secretly look at porn? How many cheat on their taxes? How many are guilty of pride? …

    It makes no sense, this utter condemnation of anything and everything gay. To Christians I am anathema, a heathen, a blight. To everyone else in the world I am simply a loving Mom with an interesting past.


  22. Claudia Joy:

    Way to go, using terms like “transthings” to dehumanize us so you can feel better about your condemnation of us.

    I find this sort of thing quite often when dealing with conservative Christianity; the tactic is to make the person seem less than human so your attacks on them seem easier justified.

  23. Kelli, if you stop with the “conservative Christian”, maybe just maybe you would have some nonhypocritical ground to stand on. Lets see if you can do that. And while youre at it, stop with the whole victimization bit. You chose to alter your body and so dont get bent out of shape because people respond negatively to it.

    If you are really “happy” about what you did, just live your life. In the end, God will judge what is right. Hopefully you have made the right decision and he will make that judgement. In the meantime, stop blaming so-called conservative Christians.

  24. GCM:

    “Nonhypocritical” ?? What is that supposed to mean? Please explain where I am being hypocritical. And FYI I am not crying victimization. It is Christians like you who are crying victimization over something that doesn’t even affect you.

    You all cry a river over the prospect of things like same-gender marriage and attempt to stomp out our civil rights with things like Prop 8., when such a thing doesn’t even affect you or your life, and yet you try to turn it around and make it seem like we’re the ones crying victim? Talk about hypocrisy!

    GCMW: Just so we dont get into a back and forth, let me say to you that we’ve addressed this issues multiple times here so I would suggest you either go and spend some time reading or retreat to your own blog. This is not a forum for your agenda.
    Having said that, you seem to be stuck on people calling so-called transgenders words you dont particularly like. Yet, you are doing the same thing. That’s called hypocrisy. The hypocrisy comes when you chide someone for a perceived wrong, but you engage in the same. Its really very simple, so dont feign ignorance.
    Finally, we (Christians like me as you put it) are exercising our rights as
    AMERICAN CITIZENS to vote against anything we dont like. Its constitutionally protected right. We dont like gay marriage nor any of its illegitimate offspring, so we vote against it. Whats good is that you get to vote against anything we do that you dont like.

  25. Kelli,

    You are correct in what you say about many denying their children of medical help due to their faith.

    The Lord has given us a brain to do what we must. He has always said that if we do our part he will meet us half way. I have experienced that in my own life.

    As for your question about if I have ever been to a doctor the answer is yes.

    I have been healed of some very terrible things which I care not to go into. On the other hand I have had doctors treat other illnesses and have also had some afflictions which have not gone away.

    I do not post believing that I have the right to pass judgment on anyone. That is the right of Jesus Christ alone.

    As for what you say about straight preachers that engage in activities that are questionable that is correct as well. The news reveals that and they have to answer one day for their sins and abominations just as all who engage in such. But, just because they do such does not give any of us license to do the same or worse.

    There are transsexuals out there that may have very well done what they could with what they knew and the Lord may be merciful.

    Some may have had HRT and SRS prior to ever hearing that the Lord could heal them. And with today’s Christianity it seems very possible. Some may have prayed to be healed and went on hormones and undergone surgery when their prayers weren’t answered and the pain of feeling as though they were living in the wrong body drove them half crazy. Many are a witness to a generation of pastors that no longer are even near being in communion with God to have their flocks healed. They may very well end up answering for that transsexual that transitioned rather than being healed.

    In these things above I can see the fault of such being shared by the clergy for their failure to do as commanded and shepherd their flocks.

    On the other hand there are many that wish to be trans. The ones that do enjoy it and may be rebellious unto the word of God.

    The word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
    It manifests what we believe about the word of God at his throne. How we live bears witness unto our beliefs.

    If you are a loving mom I am happy for you.

    Since SRS is not reversible I can see that you couldn’t undo what has been done even if you wanted to. In that all you can do is live your life to the best of your ability.
    If your conscience is clear before man and God I am happy for you.
    Still in all, the Lord can heal anyone of anything. To believe otherwise is to not believe the word of God for it is written in Luke 1:37 that for God nothing shall be impossible.

    The worst part of this mess called modern Christianity is this anything goes doctrines they have. There is a big difference between a person transitioning with an honest heart having done all they know to do and this God made me gay/God made me trans garbage being taught.
    David said I was shapen in iniquity and in sin my mother did conceive me. The word also says all have sinned.
    Everyone needs to repent and believe the gospel.
    To say God made anyone gay or trans is to call God a liar. He has not made people contrary to his word.
    And, I know a transsexual that has been healed and delivered of a perverse spirit.
    May God bless,

  26. Technically, I’m not Transsexual, though the difference is trivial. I have a rare intersex condition, similar to the 5ARD and 17BHDD conditions I mentioned. I looked Male (well, mostly, nearly) at birth, and my UK Birth Certificate still says “boy” as it’s a historical document, not intended to reflect reality, but perceived reality at birth.

    My “gender identity”, in common with all transsexual women’s, was female. And my body, in common with all transsexual women’s, looked male. That latter situation changed without medical intervention, for reasons medical science is still at a loss to explain. Nearly all such changes are from a female appearance at birth to a male one later, and being far more common (by a factor of at least 100) have been well-studied and are well understood.

    I was effectively Transsexual for most of my life, before things normalised. In 1985, I’d been diagnosed, based on a simple physical examination, as a mildly intersexed male. I looked almost normal, and only a fertility clinic could detect that I wasn’t. Being a woman with a (mostly) male body was … well, it felt perverse, perverted, horrible, a nightmare. But I bore my condition with such grace as I could muster, for I wasn’t blind, nor quadraplegic. I was so looking forward to a natural death, and the endocrine problems meant that that I was already 15 years into borrowed time.

    In 2005, my metabolism went haywire, and my appearance changed. The deadly dangerous endocrine problems vanished overnight. As the result of these changes – changes so rapid I was lucky to survive them – I had many thousands of dollars worth of medical tests. MRI scans, high definition ultrasounds, genetic tests, all things unavailable in 1985.

    The resultant diagnosis was that I was a “severely androgenised non-pregnant women”.

    I don’t claim the cure of my transsexuality was a miracle. I’m not even worthy to be called a Christian, I lack faith. But it was miraculous, and has left me wondering “Why me? How come I was chosen? Why not any of those whose misery was far worse, who deserved it more than I did?”

    So I try to educate, to tell people about transsexuality and other intersex conditions. To try to show people of goodwill, some of whom have fallen into Phariseeism, that it is a medical not a moral issue. That while nothing is impossible through God’s grace, it is through His grace that we have the ability today to ameliorate, and in the future, to cure this dreadful condition.

    I also ask those who say that it’s for others to “bear the thorn in the flesh” one simple question: have they ever visited a Dentist? For if they are unwilling to put up with the relatively mild discomfort of a simple toothache rather than “dedicate their suffering to God”, why do they insist those with conditions so much worse suffer in silence just to make them feel more comfortable in their moral rectitude?

    We are all sinners, but few of us knowingly do evil. Many of the wrongs that are done are done with the best of intentions, and out of pardonable ignorance of matters outside everyday experience. Perhaps by elucidating the medical facts I can shed light on the situation. I usually don’t mention my own unusual medical history, but sometimes, as here, it’s apposite.

    As regards talking about “so-called” transgenders – imagine if someone had called you a “so-called” Christian? Would that have been seen as an insult?

    GCMW: There are so-called Christians. They are the ones who call themselves by the name, but reject living by God’s word.

  27. I went over to Kelli’s site and it came as no surprise that she only posted part of my comment she answered.
    When I left a comment on her site she hasn’t ever posted it after 1 week. It still says awaiting moderation.
    Kelli says in her blog that they shall win this “warfare” that the straight Christians have waged.
    I do not use terms such as conservative or liberal. I find no need to blend man’s carnal political mindset into the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    The word says let us contend for the faith originally handed down to the saints. That which came by revelation from the Holy Ghost.
    Neither have I “waged a warfare” with anyone.
    The word says that every star differs in glory and the Lord has laid upon the hearts of various ones to attempt to draw some out of the devil’s grip of varying sins and abominations of darkness with a spirit of meekness those who may be babes or just deceived.
    No one is trying to reach every aspect of sin (or shouldn’t be) but only those whom the Lord has led them to. Those whom he has given the scriptures to guide with. The scriptures that reprove, rebuke and exhort.
    But then again, John the baptist and Jesus would have been called gay bashers as well.
    And Jesus did appear to Abraham and speak of the sin of Sodom. And that sin was homosexuality.
    Gang rape is just a deception as the word states they wanted to “know” the men!
    I allow all comments on my blog so that all may have their say. That is only fair.
    And, I post the entire comment. Not just part of it.
    What I found on Kelli’s blog is a partial post that will alter the true messages and lead her faithful followers to hell by way of avoidance. Transsexuality isn’t even the issue when the whole truth is not told.
    I have no further plans of posting on her site as I can see that she has no desire to back what she speaks against me.
    Either that or she has to have a couple of weeks to think of an answer.
    The Lord said take no thought for what you shall speak as the Holy Ghost shall speak through you.
    Kelli has proven by avoidance that she has no desire for her followers to see the whole of a matter.
    The word says the glory of kings is to search out a matter and we are called priests and kings before our God.
    But those who make partial posts and have to think of an answer don’t fit the words of Christ nor the scriptural description of true Christians.
    I hope she leads no babes in Christ to hell with such antics.
    May God bless,

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